Weekly Calendar Printable

A new year brings new possibilities and a chance for one to organize our thoughts, desks, closets.....eating habits, lol. The best way to be successful at reaching our goals is to have a plan!

We have a free printable that you can download and print. It is a blank weekly page that has room for you to write your plans or document your achievements. More importantly, there's room for you to stamp on the page. Decorate it with stickers, stamps, coloring, sketches....whatever you like. Share your creation on social media to have a chance to win a prize (details below.)

Click here to download our free, weekly letter sized page designed especially for you by Deep Red Stamps:


On the free printable, there is also space to enter the date next to the pre-printed days of the week. 

Print as many as you wish from your home computer. You can even share it with your friends!  (The file simply cannot be sold online or commercially distributed).

We'd love to see how you decorate your Planner Printable. Share on instagram a photo of your decorated planner page with the hashtag #deepredstamps and you will be automatically entered to win during the month of January a $30 store credit at DeepRedStamps.com

Make planning your week beautiful and creative!

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